Monday, August 8, 2016

The rise and fall

On some days, the skies are all just blue and the clouds seem to be clothed clean without any hint of rebel. Even the sun, that it seems to cheerfully greet the earth upon the start of the day until it vanishes down unwillingly to make way for the moon to take over its obligation. 'Obligation' is quite incorrect in this case, because 'routine' may surpassed the definition of satisfaction upon performing something with whole will. 

The surrounding's condition somehow might complement the state of life of someone, if it happens to be equally in the same horizon. When the days just feel like not the another days. Waking up in the mornings seems to be taking a lot lesser of pushes. Waiting for tomorrows seems to be taking forever that the pressure to end the day as quickly as possible seems to constantly kicking in. Because that's what being at the uppermost point do. Even when the thunder seems to growl, even when the stress from loads of works stacking up without any hint of settling down, even when things seem to be going in the wrong way. Speaking of being in the slightly upper part of state in life. 

Temporarily at ease. People seems to missed out on how being at certain peak reflects the reality of the tendency of falling down. Either way; consciously or unconsciously, descending slowly or dropping low just in one-go are the trickiest part in due to the irregularity of the paths walked toward the peak. The thing about falling is that there will always be something that could be clung on in order to at least diminish the impact of the downturn and strive to fight for the current position. The ground will always be there to serve place for landing and also prepares spot for departing. It is always welcoming and even providing site for stay.

The contradictions of being at top and at bottom, such as being at peak and at rock-bottom. The inclination toward falling by being at the top due to excessive requirement of stability. The comfort that the ground provides of which standing up seems to be just as hard. Easy to fall, hard enough to make up.

For the record—if I were ever to define rise and fall.

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